An Open Letter to My Kids

Jesse Draper
2 min readMay 18, 2022
The essence of the moment by Christian Kortum on Flickr

The point of school is to teach you what kind of world you’re living in, what the rules and expectations are, and what happens when you don’t meet those expectations. Before you can be anything, you have to know what you’re dealing with. Before you can thrive, you have to learn to survive.

Now you know the rules and what’s at stake if you choose another path.

Now, if all were possible….

What would you be?

But before you can answer that, we need to know who you are. The you behind the you. The one that hears and experiences the thoughts and voice in your head as something (or someone really) to be observed. That observable “you” is not really you because you can observe them as distinct from your self.

Who is that you, the one doing the observing? That you has been present through all of your life.

That you is your essence, your essential self. It predates and transcends everything that you think makes you, you: your ever-changing physical appearance; your favorites and your hates; your address, school, friends, hobbies, influences, your parents… but not your love.

Love belongs to and pours out from your essential, eternal self as an extension of the One Love that connects and gives life to us all.

If all were possible…

Who are you? Who and what do you love? All things are possible when you stay true to your essential self and let the love inside you mingle with, and dance with, and finally pour itself into a world that won’t always understand you.

A world that will, nonetheless, marvel with envy at the authentic, shinning radiance that pours out from who you truly are.



Jesse Draper

Husband, father of teenagers, non-profit leader, history teacher, musician, MSU Spartan, Chicago Cubs & Liverpool FC fan, would-be spiritual mystic. Let’s grow.